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Declaration of partnership: Societas Hesperiana Piemonte

Under the positive influence of the April moon and the Roman New Year 2775 according to the founding of Rome (Ab urbe condita, AUC), we take this opportunity to announce the partnership of Via Electri – the international network focused on the practice and diffusion of traditional European Paganism– with the Roman-Italic practisers’ association Societas Hesperiana Piemonte, which as the name shows is based in the Western Cisalpine region and interested especially in the peculiarities of this land in the context of Italy (Hesperia). This partnership at an electronic level will allow the intensification of relations between the two groups and the mutual use of media channels.

At the practical level, the partnership will make it possible for the operational members of the two groups (Council of Via Electri and practisers of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte) to become each other's honorary members, thus being able to participate in rituals of local level in the relevant territories, including the possibility to contribute to the rituals with offerings carried out according to their own tradition and also to have privileged contact channels. Subsequently, Societas Hesperiana Piemonte will represent the Via Romana agli Dei (the Roman Way to the Gods) within the Via Electri network. This partnership creates a precedent for the inclusion of other groups, projects and aggregations with similar purposes to Via Electri.

May Concordia be with us!

History of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte

Societas Hesperiana Piemonte is a group of practisers of the Roman-Italic Tradition rooted in Piedmont (Northwest Italy), taking also into consideration the heritage of Celtic and other ancient cultures of Northern Italy. Societas Hesperiana Piemonte is part of the Roman-Italic traditionalist group Societas Hesperiana, which operates in different parts of Italy-Hesperia.

The origins: 2011 – 2014 (2764 – 2767 AUC)

Societas Hesperiana Piemonte is rooted in the patriotic and localist youth subcultures of the subalpine capital Turin (Julia Augusta Taurinorum). It was created in the summer of 2011 with the celebration of the Lucaria (festival of the grove) in Val Susa, from a union of free individuals who decided to share a common path under the flag of Piedmont (called drapò) with the good will of the higher Gods and Genii of their own traditions. From the very beginning, the group showed a profound connection with some areas of Piedmont (Pedemontium). The reason for this connection is multiple and concerns elective affinity, familiar origin and last but not least, the awareness of the sacred geography of the region. Among these areas we can mention the hills of Turin, the Canavese area, the Val Susa and some valleys of Northeastern Piedmont. In addition, some lands that have a historical relationship with Piedmont were also taken into consideration, such as Savoy and Liguria. In this fundamental phase, the young age of the association was compensated by the great desire for action, as well as the study and exploration of Cisalpine Gaul (Roman name for Northern Italy) and of Italy, but also of the European "world beyond". These explorations were often performed often under the signs of the relevant Gods at the time.

At this point, Societas Hesperiana Piemonte was integrated into Esploratori Hesperiani (Italian for "Explorers of Hesperia", the youth wing of Societas Hesperiana). Among the first interests of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte, it is worth noting an interest towards the Celtic heritage of Piedmont (the local language of which, Piedmontese, is mentioned by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri in XIV century text De Vulgari Eloquentia as one of the most divergent of the Italic languages). Another interest consisted of stressing the continuity of the Langobardic heritage in some areas of Piedmont and its links with the southern Germanic world. Physical activity, like hikes and sports activities, followed by a certain artistic propensity can also be counted among the main characteristics of the group. The technical and practical development of this phase made it possible that already in the second half of 2013 Societas Hesperiana Piemonte could fully celebrate some rites according to the solar calendar.

Rupture and transition: 2014 - 2015 (2767 - 2768 AUC)

On the one hand, the second half of 2014 marked a turning point for Societas Hesperiana Piemonte, generated by a series of unfortunate events. However, facing them, Societas Hesperiana Piemonte emerged united and able to overcome even some challenging adversities. The fruits of this year were the approach to Traditionalism as a philosophical concept and in particular the internalisation of Romanitas, as a modus operandi mori maiorum (Latin for "manner of operating following the ways of the ancestors"), transcending but not denying local regional particularism.

The year 2015, on the other hand, started with the beginning of a new cycle within Societas Hesperiana Piemonte, expanding the number of sympathisers and allowing for the domestic practice of the Roman Tradition combined with collective calendaric celebrations. The practice of meditation became a fundamental component of the spiritual dimension of the group. In addition, a deeper connection was established with the rivers of Central-Eastern Piedmont, which are collectively celebrated in the festival of Fontinalia (festival of springs).

Adjustment and reorganization: 2015 - 2019 (2768 - 2772 AUC)

The years from 2015 to 2019 acted as a period of stabilisation and growth of the initial premises already present since 2011. The celebration of the anniversary of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte was made more official in conjunction with Lucaria and it consists of a ritual and an excursion. At the same time, the event is a festive and joyful occasion. Among the members and supporters of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte, new sportive interests such as the practice of martial arts have been growing. Simultaneously esoteric interests are developed such as the study of astrology and runes. The organisation of cultural excursions was directed towards the megalithic sites in Piedmont and the western Cisalpine region in order to get in touch with the energies present in these places. The cultural stimuli in this phase are manifold, including a communal fascination towards tribalism and a spiritual-philosophical fascination towards Neoplatonism. These stimuli consequently also led to the overcoming of the subcultural dynamics of our activity to reach the level of proper culture and in the end extending towards the metaphysics that is the ultimate source of traditions and cultures as historically determined phenomena. 

Towards the future and eternity of the cycle: 2019-2022 (2772 - 2775 AUC)

The turning point of the previous period of adjustment towards a new state can be considered the celebration in honour of the Genius Loci (local spirit) of Augusta Taurinorum carried out in the heart of winter and following the traditional date of the city's (re)founding by Augustus on the former location of the capital of the Taurini Celts called Taurasia or Tarantasia, known mostly thanks to archaeological discoveries. Even if lost in the mist of time, Taurasia must have been rather impressive as it was able to resist the fearsome army of Hannibal during the Punic Wars, even if only for a few days. This fact indicates that Taurasia, or whatever its name may have been, must have been far more structured than is commonly believed.

The year 2019 saw the consolidation of the ranks of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte which also stabilised its polarities, thanks to the return of important actors to the activity of group. Furthermore, in the summer of 2021, in another relevant place for the ancient Taurini in the heart of Piedmont and near Taurasia-Augusta Taurinorum, Societas Hesperiana Piemonte was renewed once more. Overall, the ten years of existence of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte can be evaluated in positive terms. In fact, the group maintains some of its historical members and can boast a good number of supporters, occasionally present on some occasions and especially on its anniversary which has become an important moment for Societas Hesperiana as a whole. The Piedmontese group today counts among its members some expert practisers of the Roman tradition who are active on the cultural front in different forms. Its members are able to work on collective and private rituals on a calendaric basis and they possess general knowledge of the intuitive and suprarational dynamics necessary for the correct approach to the sacred world. Societas Hesperiana Piemonte currently continues its spiritual and cultural activity, engaging in several projects. In a broader sense, the work of Societas Hesperiana Piemonte is aimed at the Pax Deorum Hominumque and the alignment towards the Genii of the places of Western Cisalpine and Italy-Hesperia. The furrow has been plowed.

We stand firm!

Slāniā Dessivābos!


2022-04-20 22:11